Here’s what the routing structure currently looks like: // App. The frontend folder also includes the various user interfaces seen in the demo, such as Home, Login, Register, and Profile screens with respective routes /, /login, /register, and /user-profile. The repository includes a starter-files branch that contains the necessary files to bootstrap this application. Now, let’s start authenticating! Cloning starter files from GitHub Now with useSelector in one line of code you can retrieve state, a callback function, which returns a specified state. Redux Toolkit, particularly the createSlice and createAsyncThunk APIs.React Hooks, state patterns and management, and other React concepts.To follow along, you’ll need to be familiar with the following: View the live demo here and take a peek at what the final project will look like below:
Useselector react redux how to#
You can download the source code from the project’s repository with instructions on how to set up a database and can run the application locally. However, the frontend workflow should still apply for any authentication service you use that provides a token. The backend for this project is built using Express with a MongoDB database. Role-based authentication and authorization.

Useselector react redux software#
Here is the GitRepo that you can download to comprehend the code with utmost precision.Chinwike Maduabuchi Follow Frontend developer passionate about software engineering.

In this short tutorial, we learned how to build api slice in React js environment and make data fetching super easy with createApi, fetchBaseQuery modules and RTK query hooks. It makes sure that React app works predictable and data sharing is even easier. Redux is known as a “predictable state container for JavaScript-based apps”. Redux library comes into play to reduce the pain of managing large React apps. npm start ConclusionĪs the size and scope of the React app extend, it becomes cumbersome to manage the shared data. Let us test this quintessential feature we just completed here is the command which will initialize the react server and open the app on the browser simultaneously. import export default App Run React Application
Useselector react redux install#
npm install react-redux bootstrap Retrieve Data with Query EndpointsĬreate the ‘features’ folder in the ‘src’ directory, create the ‘features/api’ folder, and create the api file named features/api/apiSlice.js, then add the given code to the file. Hence, we need a couple of packages such as React-Redux, Redux Toolkit, and Bootstrap. Later in this post, we will create a redux store and write RTK queries to get the data using the endpoint api. Cd react-rtk-query-example Install Required Libraries